Hi Clients & Readers,
This past week I was part of an industry Twitter Chat held by Virtuoso. Overall about a dozen advisors took part live nationwide, and I was one of those advisors. It lasted an hour and Virtuoso asked industry interview like questions that the public wanted to know the most, To which we individually answered. While my responses are both public on Virtuoso's Twitter feed, as well as in my personal retweets feed, I wanted to post my interview here for my clients & readers.
Virtuoso is the world's leading luxury travel consortium network. Virtuoso currently has 390 agencies in 40 worldwide countries & I'm happy that I as an Avenue Two Travel advisor to be included within Virtuoso. Virtuoso has 30,000 Twitter followers currently. Which such a public following the public exposure to be part of this TwitterChat was easily worth a hour of my afternoon.
I made my social media followers aware I was taking part earlier in the week.
Q1: Virtuoso Mod: - What are some great U.S. Travel Ideas
A1: The most popular destinations domestically typically include Florida, Arizona, California, The National Parks, and the north eastern coastline. There are always incredible places closer to home as well.
Q2: Virtuoso Mod: - Where can I travel internationally right now?
A2: Mexico & most of the Caribbean are easily accessible to US travelers with testing required pre departure & on return. Mexico is extremely popular being you don't need testing to fly down. Major resort brands are all mostly providing the testing on site for your return.
Q3: Virtuoso Mod: - Which Covid test is the right one to take - and where do I get it?
A3: You really need to be careful, certain countries are not allowing the at home PCR test to qualify for entry, while others are ok with it. You have to check each country to see what is & is not accepted. If the at home test is not accepted then it needs to be done by a professional.
Q4 Virtuoso Mod: - When will we be able to cruise again?
A4: This is a tough one... I think it's not going to be the same everywhere in the world. While we are eager for the US to allow cruising from our shores. This does not necessarily mean Europe/Asia/S. America & the South Pacific will be the same. Cruising in the fall is likely.
Q5: Virtuoso Mod: - With pent-up demand for travel at an all time high, what's your biggest piece of advice for travelers who are ready to go somewhere now?
A5: Don't wait, be smart, book your travel arrangements now. With reduced capacity & high demand, places and arrangements are selling out. Book arrangements that have a refundable deposit, future travel credit or require no money down. That way there is no risk to plan ahead.
Q6: Virtuoso Mod: - Would you travel now with your family?
A6: Everyone has their own comfort level with this pandemic, which is completely understandable. Even between myself & my wife, we are of two minds, but we have agreed to wait awhile to travel. Places we desire to go are not accessible currently, and so we wait. We are eager to travel!
Q7: Virtuoso Mod: - What travel trends do you see emerging post-pandemic?
A7: I think initially we are going to see less demand for larger groups & clients are going to look for smaller/private experiences and arrangements, but once travelers are vaccinated I think that will fade. This is why I think cruises may all decide on requiring guests be vaccinated.
Q8: Virtuoso Mod: - What's on your Wanderlist?
A8: Bucketlist, Wanderlust, Wanderlist whichever, there are many. I got into this industry at the age of 20 and have seen a lot already! Galapagos, Patagonia, Bora Bora, Safaris, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Japan, does it ever end?! Love travel & love being a travel advisor! :)
This Twitter Chat was conducted on Thursday afternoon at 2pm EST, and since that time over 1,000 impressions to my responses. Will it lead to any new clients or business, who knows. It was a fun hour talking travel, and would welcome the opportunity to do something similar with other travel sources in the future. This is my passion.
Do you need help with travel arrangements or are planning to travel in 2021, 2022?
No need to wait it out, and miss out, plan now and I can assist you and answer all your questions. Thank you readers & clients for your support.

Derek Schemonitz
Avenue Two Travel
Luxury Travel Advisor